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Everything you always wanted to know about cyclotest mySense
Here we have collected the most frequently asked questions about cyclotest mySense. If your question is not answered here, please write to us at info@cyclotest.de or call us at (+49) 93 42 / 92 40 40. We look forward to talking to you.
All about temperature measurement
You should perform the measurements once a day from the start of menstruation until the infertile phase after ovulation. Important: The measurements should be taken lying down, immediately after waking up and before getting up.
In order that the measured values do not fluctuate too much and can be evaluated, you should measure the basal temperature at the same time within a cycle if possible. At the beginning of each cycle you define a 4-hour measuring window in which you can determine the temperature value in this cycle. Measurements outside this time window are not saved.
Tip: If you always get up at 6:30 a.m. during the week, for example, but like to sleep a little longer at the weekend, it is advisable to set the measurement window to 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. However, make sure that your temperature values differ at the weekend and that they are not included if necessary.
When cyclotest® mySense has got to know you better (after approx. 6 cycles), the number of days marked as fertile may decrease, so that you no longer have to determine your body temperature at the beginning of your period. In order not to miss the start of the measuring phase, it is best to activate the reminder function in the menu under Reminder > Measure your basal temperature and select the option “Only remind me on relevant cycle days” under “Frequency”. Thus cyclotest® mySense only reminds you of the temperature measurement when it is important for determining your fertile days.
If you like regularity and want to get to know your body exactly, you can of course also determine the body temperature on each cycle day.
Measuring basal body temperature with cyclotest® mySense is as simple as measuring fever: press the start button and wait for a signal (optical and/or acoustic, depending on your settings). Then simply place the sensor under one of the tongue pockets and hold it there with the mouth closed until the measuring process is completed after a second signal.
Optionally you can measure vaginally or rectally. The measurement normally takes between 30 and 60 seconds.
All about the thermometer
All about the app
All about the cycle chart
Questions about everything else
When cyclotest mySense has got to know you better (after approx. 6 cycles) you no longer need to start measuring directly at the beginning of your period. In order not to miss the start of the measurement phase, it is best to activate the basal body temperature reminder in the menu. Select the option “Only remind me on relevant cycle days” here. This way, cyclotest mySense only reminds you to take your temperature when it is important for your fertility determination.
1 Diedrich et al.: Gynäkologie & Geburtshilfe, 2. Auflage, Springer Medizin Verlag, Heidelberg 2000, 2007