🔮 cyclotest mySense für 89,50 € – OHNE ABOKOSTEN!

cyclotest mySoftware

Installation file

Here you can download the setup file for your Windows PC. Please note that the file is rather big!

Installation file Windows exe (95 MB)

Here you can download the setup file for your Mac. Please note that the file is rather big:

Installation file Mac dmg (90 MB)

Instructions for use

You can download the instructions for use of the cyclotest mySoftware right here – just click the image. The instructions contain information on the following subjects:

Transferring cycle data from the cycle monitor

Deleting data from the cycle monitor

Displaying of the BMI curve

Displaying your fertility profile

Updates of the cyclotest mySoftware and the cycle monitor

cyclotest mySoftware Instructions for Use
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